Download Data from Kaggle to Colab (April-2022)

Downloading data from Kaggle to Google Colab can be pretty hectic. What I faced was that these methodologies change from time to time. Tutorials get outdated in no time, which makes it harder to apply...

Yet Another Git & Github Introduction

Imagine, you are in a team and the whole team is responsible to develop a single page. So, each member is assigned to implement a particular section of the webpage. One way would be developing a...

Add Two Single Digits in Assembly Language

Add Two Single Digits in Assembly Language A simple “Hello World” program for Assembly Language to add two integers. Both integers are assigned prior to execution. Finally, the result is...

Find a Escape Route

Find A Escape Route It’s natural to feel suffocated sometimes. Although we say it’s a small life, it doesn’t feel at that moment. There are times when it feels like a never ending...

Being a Teacher is complicated

Being A Teacher is Complicated Teaching is always a satisfying profession for me. All those love from students make me so happy. When they call to express their love, it’s a heavenly feeling. I...

How to Take Attendance from Zoom Meeting or Class?

How to Take Attendance from Zoom Meeting or Class? This small tutorial shows the procedure for taking zoom attendance. Very useful for taking online class. Go to Zoom Website Sign in with your account...

Guideline for First Year Students

Guideline for First Year Students (From Bangladesh Perspective) It’s important to start from the beginning. University life is full of challenges. Not only learning skills are required but also...